Creating a Charitable Corporate Culture

Michelle Joseph, Foresight, Guest Post, Office Environment Leave a Comment

Michelle Joseph, CEO of PeopleFoundry Inc, gives tips on how to give back this holiday season and year round

Throughout the year, most companies take part in quite a few charitable efforts. However, around the holiday season, these actions become amplified. Aside from the obvious altruistic reasons, philanthropy allows a company a genuine way to improve office morale and look more desirable to partners and potential employees.

Company philanthropy should be about more than simply cutting a check to a popular charity.  Giving back should be something that employees resonate with; and because of its connections with the community, it should create a strong positive outlook on the company.

Team Votes On It

Strong team leaders understand that for an idea to truly take shape, there needs to be a sense of ownership amongst the group. Philanthropic endeavors are no exception to this need for investment. Any fundraising effort or community outreach will reach new heights if the staff feels emotionally invested in the cause. Key to this idea of positive contribution is keeping the charity optional. Mandating any sort of charitable contribution strays quickly from the altruistic thought behind it. A great way to get a total investment from a company of any size is to let the staff organically come up with ideas and then have a team vote on which option to undertake.

Local Ties

The best way to give back to the community is to ensure that the local community feels the effects. Whether the company is based in a big city or a smaller town, there are always charitable organizations or non-profits that would be deserving and appreciative of the help. If a national organization is where the team is looking to contribute, then find a local branch to center attention around.

Bring in Business Partners

Make the event a part of business development and customer retention efforts. Banding together for a good cause will only serve to strengthen the bond with a partner or client. If this year’s ‘Give Back’ is a simple financial donation, then joining forces will make the fiscal impact even greater. If it is one step further along the lines of a company volunteer outing, then it will improve not only the positive effect of the event but also the bond between companies.

1012156_555295684585211_1726649115_nMichelle is the Founder and CEO of PeopleFoundry Inc. She is an expert in Human Resources and talent acquisition.  Michelle works with Chicago growth companies to build top-tier teams by forming partnerships to find the best people the businesses seek. Michelle has been featured in a variety of publications for her expertise, such as Forefront Magazine, Franchising USA and IT Business Edge. She also was interviewed on iGirl Tech News and even on Tasty Trade’s, Bootstrapping in America.

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